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Afterschool Skills - Girls Run the Show After School Basketball

Sports / Afterschool Sports -
Spring / Summer 2025

Skill Development Programs

OCER intends to provide opportunities for youth athletes to improve their skill level in their sports of choice through programming with professional coaches and vendors. When participating in these programs, participants should expect an outcome of; skill development and ability improvements throughout its duration. There should be no competitive expectation.

After-School Skills Classes

New this season OCER will offer skill development sports classes after school. Moving away from the traditional organized play programs, after-school programs will now serve youth athletes to improve their skill. Programs will be led by professional coaches who will develop a curriculum to guide your athlete to growth.

Run The Show After School Basketball - Grades 2 - 5

A 6 week after-school basketball skills program directed by Run The Show. Students will work on improving basketball skills including ball handling, footwork, shooting, passing, finishing and learning basketball concepts. Competitions and games will be included as the program progresses. The focus of this program is to provide a convenient after-school opportunity for players interested in getting better at basketball and having fun. No class March 26. 

Location: Moreland Elementary School Gym


25SYS917 March 19 - April 30 Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm

** Please be sure to mark your program in the school's Dismissal Manager on the day of the after school class your child is attending. Just simply put in the PM notes the sport your child is attending. This helps at dismissal time to ensure that everyone gets to where they need to be and we aren't holding up the buses. If your child will not be attending class that day please send an email to letting her know.

Pick-Up will be at the Moreland Elementary Cafe 2 entrance by the playground at 4:30 pm. We will walk the kids out to the sidewalk and you can just pull up and pick up your child. If it is raining or cold out, we will send the kids out from inside when they see their car. If you will be having someone else pick up your child please let me know.

25SYS917 Closed

  Run The Show Basketball

Moreland Hills Elementary School : Gym
Wednesdays, Mar 19 - Apr 30
3:30 - 4:30 PM

  No Class Mar 26


Grades   2nd - 5th

Online registration is over