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Special Events
Course Category
About Special Events

OCER is growing our list of special events. From family favorites like Trunk or Treat to new events like Puzzle Palooza, Concerts on the Patio, Family Bake-Off, Touch-a-Truck and more, we look forward to seeing you soon!

Featured Courses

  • Guys' Night Out

    Fathers and sons, come join us for an awesome evening of incredible gaming competitions and bonding! Free play will be open for Mario Kart, NBA Jam, Duck Hunt, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man and more. Each couple will also get the chance to compete in a surprise tournament game for prizes! Pizza, wings and live sports games will give fathers and sons a great memory for years to come! Parents, please register the child and add the attending parent's name at registration check out.
  • Family Dodgeball

    Back by popular demand! Family Dodgeball Night gives parents and children the opportunity to compete in a timeless game together and to hang out with friends! This popular sport is great for all ages and skill levels. All equipment provided. We will play different variations of dodgeball and enjoy fun and active family time! Please register one person per family and specify the number of people attending. Best for grades 2 and up with their families. The price of admission includes pizza, drinks, a gift card to the winning team and of course... bragging rights! Registration is per family, please register the adult supervising and list all attending members when prompted.